Need a copy of a Duke police report for a criminal incident or as an involved party for a traffic accident on campus, including the Medical Center?

Email the Records Division at, or call (919) 684-4602. Copies are available for involved parties of traffic accidents* and for those reports involving crimes. Administrative and other operations reports that do not involve actual crimes are for internal departmental use only and are unavailable to the public.

If you don't have an incident report number, please provide as much information as you can such as date, charges associated with the report, location and names of reporting parties, to assist in identifying the report.

Durham Police Incident Reports

If you need a copy of an incident report that was handled by a city of Durham police officer, please contact the Durham police department.

* Insurance companies handling traffic accident claims should contact the NC Department of Motot Vehicles (DMV) for a copy of a traffic accident occurring at Duke.