The Duke University Police Department, which is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA), has a policy to deliver unbiased police services. The department follows a use of force policy that says de-escalation is preferred during resistance, and officers wear body cameras.
The following are examples of training and programs by the department that support de-escalation, anti-racism/bias, crisis intervention, and community policing.
Every police, security and civilian staff member receives Service Excellence and De-escalation training.
The department uses the Police Executive Research Forum's training guide for defusing critical incidents known as ICAT.
De-escalation is emphasized in the Response to Aggression, Resistance, and Use of Force policy. This policy, which includes de-escalation and defusing critical incidents, is included in annual training for police officers.
De-escalation posters in common areas remind officers of protocols.
Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Bias
Duke Police collaborated with Duke's Office of Institutional Equity to develop a unique diversity/anti-bias training session that addresses timely and relevant topics.
Two Duke Police officers serve as liaisons with under-represented campus groups.
Crisis Intervention
There are three behavioral assessment teams that include administrators from units such as Human Resources, Student Affairs and Duke Health. These groups work to identify potential concerns and prevent violence. These groups are supported by a Certified Threat Manager in the Duke University Police Department.
All officers, security personnel and dispatchers undergo crisis intervention training. The training includes education on mental health conditions and provides information to support people in crisis with resources rather than being processed through the criminal justice system.
Community Building
Community Service Officers engage with students, faculty and staff through various programs, meetings and events each year to foster a strong partnership in providing a safe campus environment.
Duke Police hosts the Citizen's Police Academy, an eight-week course for employees and students.